Thursday, September 09, 2004

Another reason to hope Bush wins

Forget the military service thirty years ago and the war in Iraq. The real reason Canadians should be hoping for a Bush win on Nov 2 is a lot closer to home.

Canada's trade with the US is now around $350 billion each year. Though Bush is not a big supporter of free trade, Kerry is even less so. Kerry has denounced free trade and would review all trade treaties if elected. Some 80% of our trade is with the US. Try paying for that Pharmacare program or reducing waiting lists with no money.

If Kerry is elected, expect an exodus from Ontario as people try to escape the mounds of steaming garbage. Kerry has said that he will review within 120 days the present trucking of Ontario garbage to the Town of Waltz, southwest of Detroit. Rob Cook of Ontario's Waste Management Association states that he doesn't know where the 3 million tonnes of garbage will go and there is no Plan B.


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