Thursday, June 02, 2005

Spin...What the Liberals do best

More examples of media bias.

Note this article in the Globe and Mail. While the first paragraph is about how PMPM is ignoring calls for resignations, the second talks about how "allegations that the tapes are doctored are disturbing". Of course they are disturbing. Anytime someone like the Prime Minister claims something is doctored when it is not, is very disturbing. Note that PMPM says the claims are disturbing, not that the tapes are doctored.

A Conservative MP says the Libs tried to bribe him, everyone ignores it. A Conservative MP has tapes of Libs tiptoeing around a discussion about buying his vote, and the story is about how there is no clear proof. The Libs say the tapes are doctored without offering any proof other than their say-so and doctored tapes is the main thrust of the story?

Seems like we need a Canadian version of FOX News just to provide some balance.

Update: Why is there media bias? Is it a big conspiracy? Read Lorne Gunter's explaination here. It makes sense to me. However, since people will always have some sort of bias or identify more with one side or the other, the only solution is one that is used in our courts everyday. The adversarial approach. We need media in this country that are unapologetically right wing to counter the hidden left wing agenda of the present media (not counting you, Mr. Gunter, or AC).


Anonymous said...

I think the CBC should be banned from covering political issues because they are a government arm and they are biased against right wing policies that would cut funding for the CBC. It is a clear conflict of interest for them to cover political events when they have an interest in the outcome of the government elections at the national level. It would serve 2 purposes if they stepped out of national politics: it would free up resources for all those inane "What is being Canadian mean?" reports and give Peter Mansbridge more time to talk about his receding hair line.

MB said...

Then we would need more bureaucrats to monitor that. Then the Libs would fill those jobs with their supporters, etc.

Better just to get rid of the whole lot of them and shut the place down.

I feel sorry for Peter. It's not fun to have the whole nation watch you get old.

Then again, CBC news only has about 1.5% or so of the viewers, so maybe it's not so bad.