Friday, June 24, 2005

The Wife just hung up on me!

This relates to the saga of the house.

I was trying to get out of the house yesterday, as I had 3 very important things to do, two of them related to the house and one to a very interesting job opportunity, which I will relate to you in the near future.

So, I am in the middle of changing and the phone rings. It is our morgage broker with a bunch of things he needs to get our morgage. This is a bit of a pain, as I have been trying to get various paperwork for him. This is the second change to what docs are needed in as many days. The bank seems to be jerking us around a bit.

Just as I hang up the phone it rings again. It is the wife. She has two things to do today. She needs to get some basic information from a bank about their services which we are thinking of switching to. This is not that important. The second thing is to get informantion about a morgage she has (monthly payments, taxes, etc). This is very important, as the conditions for our morgage had to come off that day.

When she calls, I will admit that I was a bit frustrated. I had been trying to get out of the house to get this stuff done and the phone kept ringing. She proceeds to start to tell me about her morgage info over the phone so I can call back the morgage guy and pass on the numbers to him. I say that I just got off the phone with him, and why do I need these numbers? We need a copy of the information and I have just been through the morgage documents she left for me and cannot find the info. She says she doesn't have the info on a form and she will have to go back to the bank now, pay $10 for a statement, she is busy at work and just spent a long time at the bank and that I did not tell her we needed a statement, etc.

Here I am trying to get my stuff done and I have to waste my time listening to someone else complain? I have about 10 times as much stuff to do and her complaining is just making it harder to get it done. Now, perhaps I was a bit too sarcastic, but I replied "Oh, so I guess it's my fault?"

Her reply: "Fine" and she hung up.

Was I too sarcastic. Maybe, but come on. This is the year 2005. Does she really think the morgage guy is going to take our word that we owe X dollars? We told him months ago what our general financial situation was. Now its crunch time and he wants to see proof. Did I really have to spell that our for her? Yes, they want proof in the form of D-O-C-U-M-E-N-T-S. The day when a person's word meant something to the banks is long past. Can you imagine me talking to the bank:

Me: I have lots of money so give me a loan for whatever I want.
Bank: Who are you again, sir?
Me: I am Bill Gates. I have billions. Perhaps you have heard of me?
Bank: Yes sir, Mr Gates. Anything you want. No proof is necessary for you, sir!
Me: I'll take one of those candies.
Bank: Here you go, sir.

It's my fault I did not specifically say to her "We need that in writing". I assumed (never assume, it makes an ass of u and me) that the wife would understand that the bank wants PROOF. I guess from now on I will have to assume that things that are blindingly obvious to everyone else may not be to my wife.

Must call the wife at work right now to remind her to breathe.

Update: Delicious! Last night when we met our broker, we had all the right docs EXCEPT the one the wife was supposed to bring. She had to drive back to the house to get it. Of course, it was my fault.


Anonymous said...

Nice post, but I *can't* believe you used that hoary old "assume" joke. Are you by any chance a high school relief teacher?

Anonymous said...

You really need to learn a lot about women, when the wife wants to vent, it's not about solving the problem or fixing the blame, it's about letting off the steam. But of course you hear like a normal man does as a request for a fixing.

Try asking her to call you back later


Man are from Mars, Women are from Venus


MB said...

I heard the assume joke a long time ago during my basic training in the military.

Anonymous said...

the wife was taking a big risk by sneaking out during the day to run to the bank, only to be told she had gotten the wrong info and needed to go back. If I lose my job, then we won't get the mortgage, now would we. I had little sympathy for the one day he actually had a reason to get out of bed. Oh, and the documents we actually needed were the same ones he scoffed at when I showed them to him last week, and said rather haughtily, "pfff, NO ! not THAT one, they need a NEW STATEMENT." Turns out that was in fact the one they needed. Maybe if he actually LISTENED to me...

Anonymous said...

Um. Are you guys in counselling?

Anonymous said...

The wife does have a point. I'm sure it would be a lot easier to take your navel- gazing philosophy if you were just as busy as she was.