Thursday, June 02, 2005

When the cat is away......

The wife is away for 2 weeks on a business trip.

I am actually enjoying myself. When the wife is here, we have to have dinner. Dinner to me is grabbing something from the fridge, say 3 frozen burritos, nuking them and covering them with salsa. The wife does not think this is acceptable. Dinner must include a side dish and some sort of vegetables. I can also let the house get a bit disorganized. Usually she is the one that contributes most to that disorganization. With her gone, it is not as messy and I can avoid that "you did not clean anything today and you are still in your pajamas" look, which I always get when she returns from work.

However, I think the cats are starting to miss her. Well, one of them anyway. The younger female cat doesn't care much for people, so she probably doesn't care, but the male is a different story. He is older and today started to bug me for attention. He usually sleeps all day, moving from one spot to the next. Today he started begging for more attention than is usual. I had to spend an inordinate amount of time petting and brushing him, speaking it soothing tones and telling him "Don't worry. Mommy will be back soon." If I don't, he will constantly meow and try to rub against me until he gets what he wants. I hope kids are not this annoying.

The cat likes to drink water from the dripping bathtub (It is actually quite funny. He gets the water in his nose then snuffs and snorts like some old man). If he gets too annoying, perhaps I can arrange a little "accident" involving the tub and water.

The cat has a new favourite spot, which is right beside the desk where I type this blog. He is already settled in and snoring away like my father.

I think I need to get out of the house.


Anonymous said...

sounds like the cat is keeping you company so you don't miss your LWG.

Anonymous said...

And the cat is the sensible one...