Sunday, May 22, 2005

What to do?

I have been reading many blogs on the right side of the spectrum, bemoaning the state of Canadian democracy. From the big and the small, from hits counted on two hands to those with tens of thousands of visits per day.

When I was in the military, some of my subordinates used to come to me with problems. When you are dealing with junior officers, their experience level can be very low, so a problem that seems insurmountable might be easily fixed by someone like me. However, part of my job was to train these junior officers and part of that is teaching problem solving. Inevitably, they would explain some problem, and I would reply "Don't come to me with problems, come to me with solutions."

To the smart ones, this would only happen once and any further meetings would be for them to tell me how they were going to fix a problem and not for them to whine. I should also mention that, being the lazy sort, the less of other peoples work I have to do, the happier I am. So, to those who bemoan the state of democracy in Canada I say:

"Don't come to me with problems, come to me with solutions."

Instead of hearing about how corrupt the Liberals are, lets talk about what we should do about it.


UPDATE: Here are some suggestions

This post by Kate at smalldeadanimals

I do not think I agree with suggestion at Occam's Carbuncle

Perhaps a good suggestion by Damain at Babbling Brooks, but is it enough?

Bound by Gravity has a few

Stephen Taylor has a lot (hat tip to BBG)


Another suggestion to the CPC by Political Staples

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The point is that reasonable courses of action have not been successful because the people in Ontario buy into the fear tactics of the Liberals. Showing a better alternative does not eliminate the elitism of Southern Ontarion who can't bear to be ruled by a party that does not come from there, or so they have been told. The Liberals could give Bushie a run for his money in the propaganda and deceit department. The fact that people aren't clamouring for an election even though they know the Liberals are corrupt just shows how ignorant the common viewpoint is. Frankly I have given up hoping that the arrogance and ignorance of Ontario can be surmounted.

People have lost their faith in and hope for politicians. They keep hearing about real change and get more of the same no matter who is in power. If you want to convert these people then they should really try to change the platform and make some innovative modifications to the way we practise democracy.

How about fixed elections?

How about elected senators and no longer the crony club?

How about online referendums?

How about cutting the number of senators and MP's and streamlining their budgets? The British Parliament has 600+ members, that's a little extreme for representation is it not? Couldn't 100 do the same job?

If the conservatives want to impress people, they could jump out ahead of the others in the technology department. Politicians are so behind the times that even common people feel smug when a politician can't use a computer...

Also Stephen Harper needs to be in the public eye more, everyday in fact on the news adderssing issues that everyone is facing. That is his worst mistake, being so unapproachable that people don't get to know him that well so they tend to believe the Fiberal propaganda. If he could be seen for what he is it would make a difference. The whole hidden agenda scare tactic is a masterstroke by the Fiberals and the only way to defeat it is to be MORE visible and MORE open. No one faults him for having his own viewpoint, but he has to make a clear distinction between personal and party beliefs.