Tuesday, May 17, 2005

"Strange days indeed...."

They say a week in politics is like a year. What a difference a day makes. Belinda Stronach has left the Conservative Party and is now a Liberal with a senior Cabinet post, Minister of Human Resources Development.

I heard about this and immediately switched to talk radio to hear what the people had to say. I just caught the last part of a call in program where it seemed that many people felt this was a principled decision by Belinda. However, one of the last callers got on and stated that, if this was a decision based on principle, why did she not sit as an independent? Did she need to cross the floor and sit as a Liberal to make a statement about her principles?

The fact that she got a senior cabinet post sure makes it look like a payoff.

Although I believe this was pure ambition on her part, her stated reason was that she was not happy with the Conservatives and Bloc alliance. I think this demonstrates the differences in thinking between Albertans and Ontario. Ontario sees the block as a much bigger threat than the west does.

Many in the west, me included, have sympathy towards Quebec claims of being left out. Alberta feels the same way. Not that I agree with Quebec's perception that it is left out. Quite the contrary. With only 25% of the population, Quebec controls Canadian politics. There is no reason the second most populous province in Canada should not be near the top economically. Yet Quebec receives equalization payments. My tax dollars go to pay for $7 a day child care that costs $40 per day. What is fair about that?

Here is another little test. Name the last Canadian Prime Minister that did not come from Quebec. Kim Campbell? John Turner? Remind me again how well they did?

To get back to the main point, Belinda says she is unhappy with the Conservatives cozying up to the Bloc. As if they are. Just because both parties want to get rid of this government does not mean they are in bed together. What do you think is a greater threat to Canada: the fall of this Liberal government or the federal government treating 25% of its citizens like idiots and thinking that a sign with the Canada word mark at their favorite fishing trade show is going to turn them into federalists?

Of course, that is only if you believe Adscam was about saving Canada and not about illegally paying off Liberal party members with your tax dollars.

The Bloc will be against the Government of Canada no matter which party forms the government.

My advice to Belinda: Wake Up.

Also, treat Canadians with a bit of respect.

Don't feed me shit and call it ice cream.

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