Tuesday, February 01, 2005

An Open Letter to Pierre Pettigrew

Dear Mr. Pettigrew,

I have never voted for your party nor do I ever intend to. The Liberal Party of Canada seems to be more interested in retaining power then articulating a vision of Canada and bringing to citizens. However, though I do not agree with most of your party's platform (when I can figure what it is), there are some Liberal MP's whom I do respect, such a Stephen Dion and Anne McLelland. You were included in this group. Unfortunately, your recent comments that the Catholic Church should stay out of the same-sex marriage debate have prompted your removal.

I cannot fathom how a person such as yourself does not understand that the purpose of the separation of church and state is to protect religion from state interference, not the reverse. In addition, the expression "separation of church and state" is an American concept, one that we, in some ways, have not followed as closely as the United States.

Religion has shaped many aspects of Canadian society and to suggest that churches should not state their opinion while taking the advice of ultra left-wing feminist groups is beyond the pale.

I can only conclude that you and your party are trying to limit this debate to only those groups that agree with your position. I remind you that in a democracy all sides of an issue are welcome to speak. This is protected by the Charter of Rights, a document that your party takes every opportunity to claim to be the defenders of.

Perhaps you would feel more comfortable back in China, a state that is not a democracy. I suggest you return there and try to pass this legislation.


Marcel Berridge
Edmonton, Alberta

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