Sunday, February 20, 2005

I'm not lazy, am I?

The Gf has taken to leaving me little lists of stuff to do each morning before she leaves for work. Each item on the list has a point value and if I do the thing, I get the points. I am not sure what the points are for, and I do not think she has got that far yet. When I asked her, she threw the question back at me, saying "What do you want the points to be worth?" If you ask a man this question, you should not be surprised at the answer.

You can tell I am not married. When I told some married buddies of mine this story, I expected they would respond as I would, with some sort of sexual favour. Their response was to trade in points for some period of being left alone/not nagged by their wife.

What have I got myself into?

I do not think I am lazy, but I do find it hard to motivate myself to do something I do not want to do. When I lived alone, I would sometimes go 2 weeks without cleaning the house. One guy living alone in a fairly big house, who works and goes out a lot does not make a big mess. I would usually just leave the place until I felt in the "cleaning mood" (or had a date coming over) and then would go nuts and spend a few hours cleaning everything. Living with a woman and 2 cats, that system is no longer practical.

This is compounded by the fact that we are thinking of selling my place and moving, so there is a lot of work getting the place set to show.

I should stop reading so many blogs and get to work.

Then again, tomorrow is another day. Maybe I will fell like cleaning tomorrow.

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