Thursday, February 03, 2005

Much Ado About Nothing

This week's "Who Gives a Rat's Ass" award goes to...

Charlie Angus

The Honorable member for Timmins-James Bay stood up in the House yesterday and harangued the Liberals over the purchase of 1.6 million Canadian lapel pins for being made in China. I love a good haranguing of the Liberals as much as the next guy and this one was apparently quite entertaining in its outrageousness. A few quotes:

"Disney has the Mounties. They gave the Remembrance Day coin to Tim Hortons. Now they are giving the flag to China," Mr. Angus told the Commons. "They are selling off our cultural heritage like a bunch of roadside hucksters selling off hubcaps and velvet Elvis paintings."

Great stuff.

"What kind of credibility does our Prime Minister have to talk about Canadian values when he is leading the race to the bottom with our flag," he said. "This is the man who pioneered the flag of convenience on the high seas, and now he is pioneering the lapel flag of convenience."


But really, people, who cares? Is it really a threat to our "Canadian values" if a bunch of pins are made in China. What Chuck should be asking is why the government is wasting money on useless pins when health care is failing and the military slowly rusts out? Perhaps Chuck would prefer paying more for these pins so we can "save" six jobs.

Wait. Of course he does. His is, after all, a member of the NDP, the party that could not understand basic economics if you explained it to them with finger puppets.

See the full article here.

P.S. Note to Chuck - Your website itineray is either 4 months out of date or you plan much farther ahead than most people. Most Canadians suspect MP's are lazy, but I do not think your constitutents appreciate you taking from now to November 19th off.

P.P.S Just what we need, another holiday. That is "Da Canadien way, eh?". More waste of time and effort for stupidity is detailed here.

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