Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Left Should Pray for a Bush Victory

The Left around the world has been hoping for Bush to lose this election. Countless European polls show Kerry winning hands down if Europeans could vote. Canadians are no different. Even our government dislikes Bush, or at least the vocal Liberal backbenchers. It is quite obvious that many Canadians would be happy to see Bush out of the White House. But why? Is this in the Left’s, or even in Canadians, interest?

The primary issue of the US campaign is security. This issue should be especially of interest to Canadians, as we log ago gave up even the pretense of being able to defend ourselves. I have seen first hand ten years of military decline in Canada, and, even if the government had the will to fix the Canadian military, which it does not, it would be at least five years, and more likely ten before we would have a functioning military again.

With that in mind, let us look at the candidates for US President:

There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind regarding George Bush’s resolve to fight the war on terror. He has not wavered or even showed the slightest flinch since 9/11, even under the most severe criticism. Another term, with no election at the end of it, will allow the Bush Administration to let loose the dogs of war. With a Republican victory on Nov 2, Bush will quickly move to intensify the war on terror and no amount of Mooresque bleating will move him.

Kerry’s statements on his resolve to defeat the terrorists notwithstanding, a Kerry victory will be seen as a victory by Bin Laden throughout the Arab world. Kerry’s statement of wrong war, wrong place, wrong time can only be interpreted as a pull out of Iraq as quickly as possible, repudiating the pre-emptive attack policy of the Bush Doctrine. If you have doubt, simply look at the supporters of Kerry. A Kerry Administration has to think about another election in four years and the big name celebrities and billionaires that bankroll his campaign would never allow an increase or even sustainment of the war on terror. If Kerry wins, bet on a retreat in the war on terror, something sure to embolden our terrorist enemies.

The prime advantage to Canada of the Bush Doctrine is its unilateral approach. Bush allows us to continue to ignore our own security, especially our military, because we know he will do it for us. Bush takes the fight to the terrorists, making it less likely we will be attacked in Canada, and he doesn’t even insist that we help to secure ourselves. Kerry’s retreat makes attacks more likely and his statements about getting more support from other countries means more pressure on Canada to provide troops for the inevitable US return to Iraq or Afghanistan after Kerry’s retreat. This means more military spending and more Canadians fighting and dying overseas. Expect many more of our soldiers coming home in body bags.

A Bush win means more of the same, with Canada quietly sitting on the sidelines. A Kerry win means an initial retreat and period of quiet, with terror attacks soon increasing in number and intensity, resulting in more US overseas military action and more pressure on Canada to participate.

Following this line of reasoning, the converse must be true and conservatives in Canada should support the Democrats. A Kerry win means Canada is forced closer to the United States, the probable result being an improved military. One would think so, but a longer, less intense war on terror simply means more casualties, something I am sure neither side would support. In addition, based on the past actions of our Liberal government, I would expect the absolute minimum required to get the military ready for future conflicts, the result being more casualties as soldiers are sent to fight with less than the best. I would question if we can even be ready in time, seeing that the real effectiveness of the Canadian Forces is so unknown to the public. The political cost of not deploying our military would be too high, so expect our soldier to go, ready or not.

Whatever your political stripe, left or right, pray for a Bush victory on Tuesday.

Cross posted at www.billymag.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, interesting line of reasoning but I still agree. Although I have long been a believer that the United States is Canada's safety net, I had not followed your particular thought process to a Bush victory. I guess now that Bush has won, you have your wish granted.
