Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A few US Election thoughts


I feel much safer. I am confident the US will continue to aggressively fight the War on Terror. If only we could get the Canadian government to pull its weight.

Exit Polls

There was a lot of conspiracy theories on the left wing blogs about why the exit polls did not match the official results. This was also mentioned on the MSM, with various theories.

I have a theory for you.


People are pissed at always being bothered by pollsters, so they lie.

This is a policy that a friend of mine has taken to the extreme, particularly with telephone surveys. He tells the most outrageous lies to these people. Stuff like saying he is unemployed and makes $200+k a year. He claims to belong to the smallest minority group possible, such as being a Black, Satanist, lesbian, double amputee single mother who considers her defining election issue to be what the government is doing about illegal aliens. The ones from space.

This is the verbal version of taking all your junk mail and stuffing it into the envelopes of other junk mail and sending it.

Occam's Carbuncle says "Resist much, obey little".

UPDATE: Sean at PolSpy has the same idea regarding polls.

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