Friday, April 22, 2005

National Unity my Ass

I was going not going to post anything until the trip posts were finished, but I just cannot keep it to myself.

We come back to Canada and I find the Gomery inquiry is putting out new scandals every day. Catching up with this info leaves me sick to my stomach. Today I read that 20 Quebec lawyers who wanted to be judges worked for the Liberals, on the understanding that was what was required to get on the bench. So far almost half on that list have been appointed. Is this Canada or some South American banana republic?

Remember Chuck Guite said a few months ago when he testified that the Sponsorship program was all about national unity? How does paying some ad agency $50k to hand a cheque to someone else help national unity? Oh, wait, it doesn't. But it sure helps the Liberals when that guys gives $49k as a donation for the next election.

But Paul Martin didn't know anything about it. Bullshit. A senior, or the senior, minister from Quebec and he was not aware of the pipeline by which money would "magically" appear if people were short during an election? He either knew, or knew enough to know someone was up to no good and decided to keep away from it. Just about everyone has seen this sort of thing somewhere, like at work, and knows how it works. If you are not involved, you either keep your head down and ignore it, or you try to put a stop to it. We know he did not try to stop it, so he either willfully ignored it or was involved.

Then he has the gall to go on television and say "let Gomery do his work, and then I will call an election". The only problem is he already called an election before Gomery did his work.

Anyone who votes for the Liberals in this next election should have their head examined. If I was a Liberal MP, I would be ashamed to stand for election for that party.


Anonymous said...


I could not sympathize and agree with you more in this matter (except for the expression "South American banana republic").

On the other hand, I am having a hard time reconciling this plain good sense with my old-fashioned democratic beliefs on things such as due process and presumption of innocence...


MB said...

"On the other hand, I am having a hard time reconciling this plain good sense with my old-fashioned democratic beliefs on things such as due process and presumption of innocence..."

That is strange, because I have no problem reconciling the two.

An election is not a criminal trial where the Liberals get to stay in power as long as a judge doesn't find them guilty reyond a reasonable doubt of a crime.

Presumption of innocence!!??!! The Liberal party has already admitted that it is gulity, the only thing to determine is how much Martin was involved.

However, this is all academinc as this country elects individual MP's, not the Prime Minister. Those MP's belong to a party and numberous high level members of that party, including a senior Cabinet Minister and possibly the former leader, are directly implicated. I don't need a judge to tell me this these guys are not fit to govern. I need a judge to tell me if they should be charged in criminal court.

I do not normally insult those who comment on this blog, but you, sir, must be a Liberal apologist or incredibly stupid to have to wait for a judge to tell you to thrown the bums out. I would suggest you lack the mental capacity and judgement to make your own choices and perhaps you should voluntarily relinquish your rights, since you do not understand when to exercise them. Or move to Cuba, so the state can tell you what to do all the time.

Perhaps I am being a bit unfair. It is not your fault. Years of Liberal rule and Canadian socialism has sapped your mental will and sense of freedom. Maybe you can get a disability pension.

Anonymous said...

Due process??? - the Liberals call an election before all these admitted facts are known - why? So they could win by bashing the Conservatives on their "hidden agenda"... That is a travesty of justice and the electoral process. It is bordering on criminal as fraudulent.

Meanwhile, the Liberal HIDDEN AGENDA is sticking their hands in the till until they are turfed on their ass. They are soo arrogant they are proclaiming that they are "victims" in this process too. I mean what's a few million anyway?

Those accused of the scandal have lost their jobs, so why shoudn't we hold an election and see if the Federal Fibberals don't lose their jobs over this too?

That's the only DUE PROCESS we have for politicians - they will talk in circles regardless of the facts from Gomery. Besides PAUL "THE DENIER" MARTIN does not mention that Gomery has no MANDATE to lay blame in how the inquiry was set up - so either Paul Martin is senile or desperate to hold onto power at all costs.