Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Gone Swimming

Today was the start of extra activities with the twins. We went swimming at our local community rec center. At their age, swimming class consists of splashing, kicking and floating (with help). Katherine really enjoyed it, only becoming upset when I did not let her go off on her own. Jocelyn cannot participate at the same level as Katherine, but she did not cry and seemed to enjoy the water.

Unfortunately, every activity in the pool is done with a song, which is the usual repetitive jingles of children's songs. Fortunately there are no other fathers in the group and none of my Army buddies are there to see me. My own view of my manhood takes a bit of a hit when I am singing songs that start with "The frog says.."

There are some hot moms out there. I am going to have to start working out again.

P.S. Thanks to our friends and neighbours for helping me with the girls.

1 comment:

Spitfire said...

Fortunately there are no other fathers in the group and none of my Army buddies are there to see me. My own view of my manhood takes a bit of a hit when I am singing songs that start with "The frog says.."

Lol, just picturing this is really funny! Being a woman, I don't think about stuff like that. Thanks for giving a man's perspective.

But seeing a man who is comfortable enough with his sexuality to sing with his children demonstrating he is a dedicated father, is actually really attractive.