Sunday, May 07, 2006

All Hail the Power of the Fertility Cock

(or How Tom Cruise Helped Conceive My Child)

The wife belongs to a dancing group and one of the things they do is give this rooster to each new married couple. They call it the Fertility Cock and is supposed to help conceive a child (a modern version of some ancient fertility myth). The thing has a good track record. Every couple who has had it gets pregnant.

All that hippie crap aside, the thing worked from a few thousand miles away and the wife is pregnant.

I am sure no one wants the details of the conception (it’s not that kind of blog), but suffice it to say, if The Last Samurai had been a more movie interesting, I might not have kids.

However, that is not the worst of it.

More details tomorrow.


MB said...

it's actually a very old "prop" from some show, the dance troupe is not a bunch of hippie, chicken worshippers.

Chris Taylor said...

Well technically they'd be hippie rooster worshippers.

Congratulations to you both, by the way!