Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The System is Corrupt

The BS is stacked like cordwood in Ottawa. Look at this article on former Liberal Cabinet Minister and now head of the Royal Canadian Mint, David Dingwall. Five grand on one meal? 92k in foreign travel?

Never mind if this is according to the rules, does the head of the Mint really need to spend this much money? How can you spend 5k on one meal? This people are so divorced from the reality of ordinary Canadians, they surely do not represent us.

Against the rules or not, this guy should be fired for such spending and the position should be terminated. I do not want my tax dollars used so that ex-Liberals can have a cushy job trotting around the globe, spend 5 thousand dollars on one meal.

The entire system has got to change.

Update: Ask and ye shall receive.
David Digwall has resigned over his illegal lobbying and expense account.

This changes very little. A small fish has been sacrificed to protect the bigger fish.

Where is the jail time?

The entire system still has to change.

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