Monday, January 30, 2012

Resolutions - Day 14 - Week 2

A mixed week. 

The good news is that I finally started my exercise program, although due to factors beyond my control (doctor appointments, stuff at school) I was only able to get two workouts out of five.

My plan is to do something at least 5 days each week, in the mornings while the kids are at school. 

So far, I am focusing on getting back into regular exercise ( I have not exercised since the girls were born, over 5 years ago). So I am doing lots of stretching and 20 minutes of cardio (I will up it to 30), along with some random use of weight machines, just to get the feel of them. I plan to stick with the cardio and then add a weight training program once my cardio is up to a reasonable level, likely in about a month.

The bad news is the weight loss. There was none. I am still at 223 pounds. Disappointing, as last time I had lost 15 pounds by now (I was at 218 pounds after 2 weeks, so still within 5 pounds). However, considering I cheated a bit and I did not gain anything, I guess I should be happy. There really is no hurry to lose weight, as I am giving myself about 5 months (until May). They say that slower weight loss is more likely to stay off.

As long as I am ready for bikini season.

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