Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Kerry and the Swiftees

Was watching CNN and just had an argument with the GF about John Kerry's lying and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Ignoring the whole Bush v Kerry thing, Kerry has lied on his war record. He states that the memory of his 1968 Christmas and Christmas Eve in Cambodia is "seared" in his memory. This is a lie. Kerry was not in Cambodia on Christmas in 1968, as a entry from his journal makes clear. Whether or not you like Bush, these lies by Kerry cannot be ignored. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth make some very strong arguments against Kerry that greatly threaten his credibility.

Check out their site here.

Of particular interest to me was the transcript of an interview with John O'Neill. Ignoring the obvious bias of the FrontPage Magazine's interviewer, Mr O'Neill makes some compelling points. I would be interested to see a reasoned, logical rebuttal of these charges.



Mark said...

Here is a reasoned, logical rebuttal of the Swifties. Liers can't be trusted to speak for the "truth".

FactCheck is " a nonpartisan, nonprofit, "consumer advocate" for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding."

Mark said...

Liars, not liers. I don't know what a lier is.

MB said...


Thank you for your comment. Indecently, you are the first to comment on this Blog. Congratulations! I am looking through your link with great interest and will post more on this topic in the future.


MB said...

Ummm, should be incidentally.